Les routes du Nord n’ont plus de secret pour Andréanne Joly, a long-time Francophone journalist covering Franco-Ontarian issues and communities for radio, print and web. She has written dozens of articles about tourism in Franco communities across Northern Ontario, Ontario and Canada. Andréanne a longtemps habité Kapuskasing et continue de visiter très régulièrement le Nord-Est ontarien, qu’elle couvre encore pour les médias d’information et les blogues touristiques.
Leni Brem has a vision for a tourism industry in Ontario that authentically represents the diversity of the people who live here. She founded a tourism consulting company, Brem Consulting Inc., and works every day to help realize that vision.
Luna Loiseau-Tremblay is a naturalist with a deep passion for local native plant and pollinator ecology. She grows numerous species of native plants in a variety of green spaces and loves to experiment with what species grow best in the spaces available. She has spent many years identifying flora and fauna, both professionally and personally. Luna holds a Bachelor of Science in Biology from the University of Victoria and a Diploma in Applied Coastal Ecology from Coast Mountain College.
Chiwawasumkwe (Bright Lightning Woman) Lynne Cormier is a proud Two Spirited Anishnawbe Kwe from Matachewan First Nation who is on a life-long learning journey through practicing and re-learning Indigenous Culture and history. She is a Cultural Knowledge Keeper and offers cultural workshops and land-based experiences via http://www.chiwawasumkwe.ca
Abby was born and raised in North Bay, Ontario. Abby has worked in hospitality and tourism for over 12 years. Abby currently works for tourism social enterprise 101 Experiences, and is a co-founder of the Beer Baroness Society. Abby is incredibly passionate about developing tourism in Northern Ontario, and showing off our hidden gems to the world!
Mitch Bowmile is a freelance filmmaker, photographer, and writer telling stories of exploration and impact. He works primarily to support adventurous brands in getting people outside and environmental non-profits in protecting our wild spaces. Find Mitch exploring Northeastern Ontario by canoe, snowshoe, bike, and skis.
Learn more at http://www.mitchbowmile.com
Sofie Sharom is a photographer and visual artist. With a focus on wildlife, travel and documentary photography, she has visited some of the most remote corners of the world in search of spectacular scenery, unique wildlife, engaging people and inspiring stories.
Jessica Rainville has always been an adventurer at heart. This outdoorsy girl from Northern Ontario loves nature, dogs, skating, fishing, and most of all, riding. With mountain bikes, ATVs, snowmachines, and 365 days-a-year dirt biking, Jessica can most often be found appreciating the outdoors by watching nature whizz by. She does what she can to get and stay outdoors, like studding her dirt bike tires for winter riding and involving her dogs in most of her adventures.