Want to make the most of ski season? Make sure you’re prepared—not only for the hills, but for the celebration that comes after it. After you loosen your boots, round two begins! Northeastern Ontario is home to some lively lodges and ski resorts offering a fun and...
Ever since I could walk, I was riding on a snowmobile. My life-long love of snow machines started then, too. I have such great memories of riding to and from our camp on a snow machine with my family. When I was 10, I learned to drive my dad’s 1990 Ski-doo Cheyenne...
Photo Credit: Craig Nicholson The first nip of cold reignites that unquenchable passion in the souls of snowmobilers. The excitement of anticipation intensifies with every flake swirling in the air, building to an intense craving quenched only by putting tracks to...