Weather occurrences such as summer storms and forest fires are natural occurrences in Northeastern Ontario. Depending on the season, the region may experience smoke in the air from forest fires, unpredictable precipitation, or rapid temperature changes. A little planning ahead can help residents and visitors alike prepare for these events.
Visitors can use the resources on this page to stay up-to-date with the latest travel advisories, and plan a safe and enjoyable vacation in Northeastern Ontario.
While there are currently some forest fires burning in Northeastern Ontario that have resulted in some closures, in most areas, businesses continue to welcome visitors!
Collectively, our primary concerns are for residents impacted by the fires, and on the resumption of tourism activities in Northeastern Ontario.
Call Before You Go
If you think your vacation may be impacted by unexpected weather events, we suggesting calling before you go and talk to them directly! Your operator can provide the most accurate and up-to-date information on their specific property and area.
Ontario Parks
Visit the Ontario Parks website to learn more about special advisories and alerts ongoing from weather-related events.
OPEN – Finlayson Point Provincial Park
Some Restrictions – UPDATED Aug. 10 – French River Provincial Park
OPEN – Grundy Provincial Park
Some Restrictions – UPDATED Aug. 24 – Lady Evelyn Smoothwater Provincial Park
OPEN – Marten River Provincial Park
Closed – Makobe-Grays River Provincial Park
OPEN – Obabika River Provincial Park
Ontario Forest Fire Information
Visit the Ontario Forest Fire Information website to learn about ongoing forest fires in the region.
Highway Information
Visitors can visit the Ontario 511 website for the latest highway condition updates, or follow the Ontario Provincial Police, North East Region Twitter account.
Public Weather Alerts
Visit the Environment Canada website for Northern Ontario weather alerts from Environment Canada, including Air Quality Alerts.
Contact Us
We’re here to help in any way we can.
Telephone: 1-800-465-6655
Twitter: @neontario