Temiskaming Shores
The City of Temiskaming (tem-isk-am-ing) Shores is located five hour drive north of Toronto and is a community of 10,000 people with a small town feel, but includes many amenities available within much larger cities.

Horseshoe Island Camp
Presidents' Suites
Saul Outfitters
Thornloe Cheese
Elk Lake Wilderness Resort
Explore Our Community
The City of Temiskaming Shores (formerly the Town of Haileybury, New Liskeard and the Township of Dymond), one of the most picturesque and attractive communities in Northern Ontario, Canada, is an amalgamated municipality with a population of 9,920, poised to embrace the future.
The beauty of Lake Temiskaming, the clean air, our natural features, ideal boating, hiking, skiing, snowmobiling, golfing and numerous other recreational amenities make this an exceptional place to both live and work.